This is the main coat of arms for the Rouleau families. It was registered with the armorial of the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris in 1992. The motto of the canadian Rouleau family
is « Par advys le puis », written in old French, it can be translated to « For good advice, I can help ».
See Rouleau of America Association website (in the USA) and also Robert Rouleau Multimac website (in french Canada) for more information.
Here is the genealogy of my family further to the demand of Mr Marc Andre Rouleau who is the Secretary of the « Rouleau of America » Association Board, for those it may interest and without any pretentious behavior on my part (I mean I hope so) :
People called « Rouleau » or « Roulleau » or « Roulleaux » are generally coming from families native from Basse Normandie or Maine in Western France, more precisely from the regions from Vitré (Mayenne) to Flers (Orne).
The name is coming from « roles » which means rolls (legal acts of real property, contracts, schedule, titles, etc …) contained in rolling paper or parchments. The designation « rouleau » was probably belonging to some clercks family in the XIVth century.
In 1520, we know the birth of Pierre Roulleaux in Barenton (Orne) who was granted in 1540 as a lawyer (avocat) in Parliament of Rouen (capital of the duchy of Normandy) and received a fief called « la Vente » in a village called Beauchêne (Orne) where still exist some Roulleaux. The fief was including a humble manor hereto pictured and nowadays into ruin.

His unique son Noël Roulleaux, born in 1553, receveid in 1577 the hereditary charge of Sergent des Eaux et Forêts in Yvrande. In 1788, the famille settle down in Rouellé (Orne).
Here is the lineage of Noël Roulleaux :
– Jacques Michel Roulleaux, Avocat, Seigneur de la Vente, (1712 -1794),
– Henry Roulleaux, vicar of Mobile (then in French Louisiana) : see as evidence the website of the diocese of Mobile.
– Jacques Michel married in 1755 Jeanne Postel de Montéglise, daughter of the writer Guillaume Postel) from both :
– Jean Thomas, seigneur de la Vente, without male posterity,
– Jacques, seigneur de Glatigny, without posterity,
– Nicolas Roulleaux du Gage, who received a land called « le Gage », near Beauchêne,
– Jeanne married Monsieur Montembault, Doctor in medecine, with posterity.
Nicolas Roulleaux Dugage, Avocat, (1765-1837) : Administrateur au Directoire de Domfront, Lieutenant Colonel aux Armées du Nord et aide de camp du général Pichegru (famous general of the french revolution army who joined under the Directoire the « chouans » party, jailed and probably killed by order of Napoleon).Conseiller Général de l’Orne – Officier de la Légion d’Honneur, married in 1801 Adélaïde Bertrand l’Hodiesnière, daugther of Bertrand alias « Calvados » (Avocat, Procureur du Roi in Falaise, « défenseur des libertés » et « spécialiste des questions fiscales ». Députy of Calvados during the Convention, vote the death penalty for Louis XVI with appeal to peuple – Elected in the Cinq-cents under the Directory and exiled in Bruxelles (Belgium) in 1998 because of his hostility against Bonaparte, and in 1814 par Louis XVIII) as regicide.
From both :- Charles Henri
– Symphor, Inspecteur des Impôts à Paris, without posterity,
– Azalaïs, sculptor (has especially created the official bust of Napoléon
III), married M. Lefebvre Daumier, writer, without posterity,
Charles-Henri Roulleaux Dugage, Avocat, Préfet, Député de l’Hérault, Député de l’Orne, Président du Conseil Général de l’Orne, Grand Officier de la Légion d’Honneur, (1802-1871) married in 1840 Thérèse Poncet (rear grand child of famous writer Beaumarchais). From both : Christian (without posterity) and Georges Henri.
Georges Henri Roulleaux Dugage, Businessman, Député de Domfront (1849-1885) married with Suzanne Garnier, from both :
– Henri (1879-1932), Député de l’Orne married Yvonne Parent with posterity
– Georges (1881-1952) Député de l’Orne married Marie de Goulaine with posterity.